Selasa, 19 April 2011

Keith Gilmore Phd Europe Scholarships

Phd Europe The program continues to grow and help young people succeed community.Scholarships in agriculture are in three categories:
• Up to two scholarships of $ 2,500 to individuals in a program of Diploma in agriculture, agricultural journalism and / or veterinary medicine at an accredited university offered, leading to a career in agriculture.
• Up to four scholarships of $ 2,000 to individuals in an undergraduate program in agriculture, agricultural journalism and / or veterinary medicine (or pre-veterinary) offered at an accredited university to a career in agriculture. The
Phd Europe successful candidate will have completed at least one year in his major field of study.
• Up to four scholarships of 1,500 € are available to people enrolled in a recognized diploma program in agriculture, agricultural journalism and / or animal health technology leads to a career in agriculture. Successful applicants have already completed at least one year in a degree program.
Phd Europe have been completed for each category, the candidate must at least one year of college or university and be enrolled in winter semester for a further year of study at a university require or university.Students can once more but the students are limited to one award per category. Phd Europe Students can apply from outside the university or college in Canada.

Deadline for applications: 15 May 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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